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St Francis of Assisi PS, Balgriffin, Dublin 13

Sports Days 2024

21st May 2024
On the 15th of May, we held our Junior Sports Day on the school grounds of the school.  Many parents and the 6th classes helped make it a memorable and enjoyable for our pupils from Junior Infants to 1st Class.  

On the 17th of May, we walked to Trinity Gaels GAA sports grounds, where, 2nd to 6th classes enjoyed 12 stations of varied activities and sports, for example, penalty shoot out, sprints race, potato and spoon race and even some welly throwing.  

Thank you to our members of staff on the Sports Day Committee for organising and running our Sports Days.  Thank you to our parent volunteers, PTA and 6th class pupils for all your help over the two days.  Thank you to Trinity Gaels GAA Club for providing their wonderful facilities to our Senior Sports Day.  Thank you to Pinky Ice-cream Van for providing a much needed treat at the end of our Sport Days.